
Mold Toxicity: Recognizing Symptoms Across the Body Systems

| Mold Illness | What's so tricky about mold illness is that its symptoms can greatly overlap with those of other conditions. To name a few - chronic fatigue, ADHD, autism, Lyme disease, autoimmune disorders, neurological issues, PANDAS/PANS, MS, Tourette's syndrome, adrenal fatigue, fibromyalgia... And then it begs the question - is mold illness at the root of many of these conditions? Symptoms and...

The VCS Test – Got Mold?

Did you know that mold illness is often referred to as the great imitator? (Very similar to Lyme Disease) It often goes overlooked or misdiagnosed as other conditions, making it difficult to pinpoint. 🤔 Possible symptoms associated with mold illness: 💫 Cognitive issues: memory issues, word-finding issues, executive function issues, lack of motivation, brain fog 💫 Psychiatric issues:...

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